7 Foods that Help Your Skin Look Flawless

They say you are what you wear and they’re not wrong. What you take inside you will definitely show on the outside-through your skin.Healthy diets full of vegetables and fruits are your best friends if you desire beautiful, flawless skin. Specifically, let’s look at seven foods you should start eating today to get the skin of your dreams.What Should I Eat to Get Great Skin?Great question. Eat these:

1.Tomatoes If you’re talking about foods to eat for great skin, you can’t help but find tomatoes at the top of the table. They head the list every single time. Why’s that? You ask?Tomatoes contain lycopene, an antioxidant that is highly reputable for protecting the skin against harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays from the sun. This means that if you want your sunscreen to work even more effectively, you should start eating lots of tomatoes.Tomatoes also protect you from dark spots and help give your skin that glow that you’ve always been looking for. If you want to increase the lycopene in your tomato even more, cook it up. You can have cooked tomatoes in all kinds of recipes. Enjoy!

2. GarlicGarlic is delicious. Forget about the after-smell of consuming it raw and start using garlic to your advantage from today. What’s in garlic? Garlic contains allicin which is a powerful antibacterial and antifungal agent. Alicia does a great job of destroying bacteria that causes acne, therefore giving your skin maximum protection from frustrating skin conditions. While it is not advisable to put garlic directly on your skin, you can consume it directly with your food to get a healthy skin. Added advantages of garlic are that it can help to boost your immune system and even prevent cancer. So, win-win! Eat garlic every time you can and watch your body thrive.

3.Leafy greens couldn’t have been left out of this big talk. We’re placing specific emphasis on kale and spinach. These vegetables contain a substance called zeaxanthin which is an antioxidant that also helps in toning the skin. Kale contains vitamins A, B, C, and K, but that’s not even all. The vegetable can help to clear dark spots and even detoxify your skin. Spinach also contains vitamins A, C, and K, and is great at helping scars on your skin heal.If you know anyone who has great vegetable recipes, it’s time to knock on their front door and ask for a peek into their recipe book. Eat a lot of vegetables to see quick results.

4.Blueberries are very high in antioxidants and they will help you glow, literally. These are anthocyanin and vitaminC, two substances that can help to improve your skin’s collagen content. The antioxidants in blueberries are also linked to anti-aging, meaning they can help you look younger. You’ll also help to improve your body’s metabolism.One of the best ways to take advantage of blueberries is to make them into smoothies.

5.Flax seeds contain omega-3s and fiber and they have the ability to reduce skin irritation. Moreover, flax seeds help you to gain a healthy skin barrier. You can eat flaxseed directly or just add them to your food or smoothie.

6.Vitamin C -You can consume vitamin C directly for even more amazing results on your skin. Vitamin C promotes the production of collagen which is the substance that helps to thicken the dermis. For effective prevention of wrinkles and quick aging, you want to turn to a daily vitamin C dose. The antioxidant also protects you from the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) rays. Vitamin C helps in skin toning and to top it all, inhibits the production of melanin.

7.Water is the one great nutrients that cannot be ignored no matter what you’re discussing as long as it pertains to the body. Water aids metabolism and helps to keep your skin hydrated and supple. Water will assist your skin in its job as a natural barrier.The pure, natural liquid helps to increase skin elasticity.If your skin is dry, the dryness can trigger excessive production of oil leading to oily skin and eventually acne. This is why water is very important in your skin care routine. Take a lot of water daily and all your skin care efforts will come together into one big success.Bottom line You’re being deliberate about your skin care and that’s so great to see. Watch out for more skin care products that we will reveal on our blog. Cheers to your glowing, radiant skin